Augmented Reality

3d Art Experience

Featured Lens:
Night Fae

With 3D art, programming, and other features, I create lenses that augment and change the world around you.

Machine Learning

Featured Lens:
Glitter Dress ML

Using the Fashionpedia API and dataset I created a small segmentation model for dresses.  
I would love continue working with machine learning to augment the world around us.
I have used machine learning in several lenses and one of my games.

Augmented Reality Games

Featured Lens:
Bees n’ Boops Game

Augmented reality created a new world to play games in.  I want to explore how this can expand how we look at games.


Featured Lens:
Sunset ANgel

With the fashion industry moving more towards digital products and technology, augmented fashion is on the cutting edge of runways and home shopping.  I use rigging, cloth and chain physics, and other techniques to bring fashion, beauty, and makeup to my lenses.



I am part of the Snapchat Lens Network which is a group of verified augmented reality creators.    I have clients like Makeup Madhouse, and Snap AR. 

For clients I do market research to design lenses that appeal to the target demographic before the client reviews and approves the design.  Once approved, I begin creating assets and developing the filter.  

See all my lenses here