Showing 20 Result(s)

Game Jam: ShadowJam 2020

Going to a school with game majors, I’m privy to many creator’s jams.  The first jam I participated in was hosted by Willard and Maple with the theme “Shadow.”  It was 48 hours and I decided to create a game.  I got together with a few friends and with guidance from our professor (who ended …

HPC: Skyblock Fishing

After many, many hours of work, the first big content update on Skyblock was released.  Patch 0.5 added a complete revamp to the fishing skill in Skyblock.  It adds 3 new collections, updates previous fishing collections, over 50+ new items, 14 new creatures, and lots of new mechanics.  This content was under the creative direction …

HPC: Skyblock

  After months of emotions and sleepless nights, the Hypixel team has released their Skyblock.  I worked hours and hours beta testing, bug documenting, and working on QOL suggestions.  In the end, it paid off.  This game has consistently grown in playercount over the weeks it has been released.  It is currently at 18,000 CCU …

HPC: Designing Battle Passes

With criticism of loot boxes and pay to win feature, battle passes and season passes have taken the spotlight in game monetization.  Gaming companies such as Epic Games (Fortnite), Psyonix (RocketLeague), and originally Valve Corporation (Dota2)  While giving no direct in-game advantage, this subscription-based purchase unlocks quests encouraging playing games.  The rewards for these quests …

HPC: TowerWars Update

If you play TowerWars on the Hypixel Minecraft Server you might have seen my name on the leaderboard.  If you don’t play this game I’ll summarize it for you. This tower defense/offense game could be compared to the popular Bloons TD where you send minions to take lives while defending your own.  The key to …

HPC: Bedwars Lucky Blocks

Creativity is a large part of my identity and luckily it is in high demand in the player council.  Check out the hit gamemode’s latest dream variation here!  It’s always fun to see something you worked on be in the lives of so many others.